Using Windows PowerShell

The Set-ADOrganizationalUnit PowerShell cmdlet is the most elaborate option to modify OUs on Windows Server installations without the desktop experience and through automation of administrative tasks.

The following properties are easily accessible through the Set-ADOrganizationalUnit PowerShell cmdlet:

  • City
  • Country
  • Description
  • DistinguishedName
  • LinkedGroupPolicyObjects
  • ManagedBy
  • Name
  • PostalCode
  • State
  • StreetAddress

Simply use the following lines of PowerShell on a system with the Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell installed and hack away on the properties of the OU:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Set-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity "OU=
Finance,DC=LucernPub,DC=com" -ManagedBy "CN=User,CN=Users,DC=LucernPub,DC=com"