How to do it...

Install and start PowerShell Core and execute the following steps:

  1. In order to be able to develop your own provider, you need to install SHiPS from the gallery first. Alternatively, you can follow the steps outlined at to compile it yourself with .NET Core:
# Install SHiPS
Install-Module -Name SHiPS -Force -Scope CurrentUser

  1. SHiPS is based on PowerShell classes. First of all, you might want to add your root container:
# SHiPS providers are based around PowerShell classes.
# To create a new directory, or container, your class needs to
# inherit from the class ShipsDirectory
class MyContainerType : Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS.SHiPSDirectory
# Your new container should now implement the function GetChildItem() at the very least.
# In order to actually return child items, your container needs content!
MyContainerType([string]$name): base($name)

[object[]] GetChildItem()
$obj = @()
$obj += [MyFirstLeafType]::new();
return $obj;
  1. Add another container that is nested in your root, as well as one or two leafs:
# Leafs are the child items of your containers that can't contain any more items themselves.
# Containers are still allowed to contain more containers though.
class MyFirstContainerType : Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS.SHiPSDirectory
MyFirstContainerType([string]$name): base($name)

class MyFirstLeafType : Microsoft.PowerShell.SHiPS.SHiPSLeaf
MyFirstLeafType () : base ("MyFirstLeafType")

[string]$LeafProperty = 'Value'
[int]$LeafLength = 42
[datetime]$LeafDate = $(Get-Date)

  1. Lastly, store your provider definition as a module and import it:
# Take a look at the sample code
psedit .\ShipsProvider.psm1

# In order to mount your provider drive, you can simply use New-PSDrive
Import-Module -Name .\ShipsProvider -Force
psedit is a handy function available in Visual Studio Code to open files in the editor! If you are working in another IDE, you might need a different command to view the code. Try Get-Content instead.
  1. With SHiPS and your module imported, you can mount your drive. Notice that the root of your drive relates to the root class that contains your hierarchy:
New-PSDrive -Name MyOwnDrive -PSProvider SHiPS -Root "ShipsProvider#MyContainerType"
  1. Examine it with the item cmdlets:
# Now you can use the item cmdlets at your leisure
Get-ChildItem -Path MyOwnDrive:\MyFirstContainerType
Get-ChildItem -Path MyOwnDrive: -Recurse
  1. Notice how your leafs and containers are displayed, as follows: