Using the Array.of method

The Array.of method creates a new array from the arguments passed to the method. For example, let's consider the following example:

let numbers3 = Array.of(1); 

let numbers4 = Array.of(1,2,3,4,5,6);

The preceding code would be the same as performing the following:

let numbers3 = [1]; 
let numbers4 = [1,2,3,4,5,6]; 

We can also use this method to make a copy of an existing array. The following is an example:

let numbersCopy = Array.of(...numbers4); 

The preceding code is the same as using Array.from(numbers4). The difference here is that we are using the spread operator that you learned in Chapter 1, JavaScript – A Quick Overview. The spread operator (...) will spread each of the values of the numbers4 array into arguments.