- Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms
- Loiane Groner
- 174字
- 2021-08-27 18:41:09
Arrow functions
Arrow functions are a great way of simplifying the syntax of functions in ES2015. Consider the following example:
var circleAreaES5 = function circleArea(r) { var PI = 3.14; var area = PI * r * r; return area; }; console.log(circleAreaES5(2));
We can simplify the syntax of the preceding code to the following code:
const circleArea = r => { // {1} const PI = 3.14; const area = PI * r * r; return area; }; console.log(circleArea(2));
The main difference is in line {1} of the example, on which we can omit the keyword function using =>.
If the function has a single statement, we can use a simpler version, by omitting the keyword return and the curly brackets as demonstrated in the following code snippet:
const circleArea2 = r => 3.14 * r * r; console.log(circleArea2(2));
If the function does not receive any argument, we use empty parentheses, which we would usually use in ES5:
const hello = () => console.log('hello!'); hello();
The preceding examples can be executed at https://goo.gl/nM414v.