- Creating Concrete5 Themes
- Remo Laubacher
- 144字
- 2025-02-28 18:34:42
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Getting Started, describes a few words about the requirements of concrete5 as well as instructions needed to get an understanding to edit content using concrete5.
Chapter 2, Architecture of concrete5, helps you understand a bit more about the internals of concrete5 for those who want to understand how things are working in concrete5.
Chapter 3, Creating Your First Theme, describes the practical part where you'll create your own theme.
Chapter 4, Styling Single Page, helps you learn how to change the look of existing pages such as the login or 404 page.
Chapter 5, Styling the Block Output, covers everything you need to know to change the output of the block elements, the actual content of a concrete5 site.
Chapter 6, Responsive Themes, covers a brief look into responsive techniques and how they can be integrated in concrete5.